
How to Stop Procrastinating and Write More this Year!

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So you’re a freelance writer.

Hooray! That means you’re your own boss and you get to create your own schedule.

But, oh no- this can sometimes be more challenging that it appears. Distractions and social media interruptions can be tricky to navigate though as you try to carve out time to dedicate to your craft. It takes an incredible amount of organization and discipline.

What often ends up happening is:


We writers are experts at procrastination. We’ve all been there. We have a deadline, but somehow, we can’t get the ball rolling. Next thing we know, we’re pulling an all-nighter to get the job done.

Luckily there are strategies to help. With effort and planning, you can stop your procrastination habits. Here are 5 tips to help you remain aligned with your goals:

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Ring in 2017 with Positive Intentions!

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5, 4, 3, 2, 1…


http-_mashable-com_wp-content_gallery_triumph_fairly-odd-parentsAs we celebrate moving into a new year, we can’t help but feel the tides of change. Some people obsess over making resolutions. Others despise resolutions, feeling they’re useless.

Here’s my view on it:

Don’t set yourself up to fail with a ridiculously long list of unrealistic resolutions!

I myself prefer the word “intention.” I suggest making a small list of intentions you want to set for your life. Energies you want to bring forth. Make them realistic. Make them specific. Instead of saying you want to be happy, say you intend on releasing one of your negative patterns. Instead of saying you want to lose weight, say you intend on eating a healthy diet or work out 3 times a week.

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