
The Top 33 Ways to Nourish Your Soul

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Between work, family time and household duties, we may feel a pressure to “get it all done.” And in our rush to get it all done, we may forget about one important thing: time for ourselves! Self-care is a lot more that just eating well and exercising, it’s a more holistic approach of nourishing the soul.

You might wonder, okay, but how do I nourish the soul? The first essential ingredient is self-love, and that translates into a slew of things you can do to take care of your body, mind, heart and soul. In an effort to do a better job at nourishing myself, I came up with the top 33 tips, below.



  1. Practice gratitude (try saying or writing things you’re grateful for each day)
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others
  3. Learn how to forgive (including yourself)
  4. Listen to your intuition, and cultivate your relationship to it
  5. Respect yourself, and demand respect from others
  6. Be open to receiving and giving love every day, in various forms
  7. Eat a balanced diet with whole, fresh foods and drink a lot of water (about 8ounce glasses per day)
  8. Learn how to say NO and still feel like a good person
  9. Don’t dwell on anything, let it all go
  10. Breathe (sounds obvious, but practicing conscious deep breathing makes a difference)
  11. Slow down (and literally smell the roses)
  12. TRUST yourself, and trust life
  13. Meditate (if this sounds impossible, just start with 5 minutes)
  14. Connect with friends and talk it out
  15. Be gentle with yourself (and say adios to that negative voice inside you)
  16. Write! Keep a journal and find ways to express yourself
  17. Read! Get some tea going and snuggle up with some good books
  18. Go for frequent walks in nature
  19. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and feel what you need to feel
  20. Snuggle with or hug someone
  21. Keep moving– take a yoga class, or chi-gong, or dance, aerobics, you get the idea!
  22. Volunteer in a worthwhile organisation
  23. Set clear boundaries with others
  24. Stop apologizing or feeling guilty
  25. Book yourself a massage
  26. Visit a doctor regularly
  27. Put your ego aside and ask for help when you need it
  28. Get enough sleep (everybody’s different, but you should feel well rested)
  29. Share what you have with others
  30. Save up money and buy yourself something you’ve always wanted
  31. Set some time aside for yourself every single day, create your own ritual
  32. Practice moderation, don’t abuse any intoxicants
  33. Find a hobby you feel passionate about



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